Environmental protection, sustainability and social responsibility are important to us.
We seek to hand on a viable and ecologically responsible business, as a going concern, to future generations. We are meeting this responsibility by sustainable occupational health and safety and environmental measures. Our responsibly engaged workforce joins in these processes.
The theme of environmental conservation holds special status at ASK. Our production processes, raw materials and energy consumption are permanently checked for environmental compatibility and continuously improved. Noise emissions are abated, dust releases reduced and recyclable materials used. we have been certified to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 since 2007.

(John F. Akers)

ASKUBAL products are constantly tested on in-house test benches, where they are optimized for load and life cycle. Our goals are low downtime and reduced maintenance costs. To document our organization’s progress to the outside world, we have been certified to DIN EN ISO 9001 since 1994.
We document our quality and take it to new levels. In-house factory standards form the bases on which quality is precisely specified in our measurement laboratory.
Optical and tactile measuring systems, backed by the relevant analytical software, support us in the constant monitoring of our products in the field of spherical plain and rolling-contact bearing technology.